Applying LATISSE (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03% is all about consistency and precision. Once you follow the basic guidelines, the results will come gradually over time. To see the full effect of your eyelash transformation, take a "before" picture before you start the treatment, and keep taking pictures every 4 weeks to chart your progress.

Directions for nightly use:


Before Applying

Before applying LATISSE each night, ensure your face is clean, makeup and contact lenses are removed, and any other facial care products have already been applied.
Before applying Latisse cleanse thoroughly the eyelash area

Prepare the Applicator

Remove an applicator from its tray. Then, holding the sterile applicator horizontally, place one drop of LATISSE solution on the area of the applicator closest to the tip but not on the tip.
Use FDA approved applicators to apply Latisse Eyelash Prescription solution to the upper eyelashes

Apply to Skin using Applicator

Immediately draw the applicator carefully along the skin at the base of the upper eyelashes (where the eyelashes meet the skin) just as you would apply liquid eyeliner. This area should feel lightly moist without runoff.
Apply Latisse eyelash solution as if you were applying eye liner to the upper eyelashes

Blot Excess

Blot any excess solution beyond the eyelid with a tissue.
Blot excess Latisse eyelash solution

Dispose of Applicator

Dispose of the applicator after one use. Repeat for opposite eyelid, using a new sterile applicator to help minimize any potential for contamination from one eyelid to another.
Dispose FDA approved Latisse applicator after each use

Your Guide to getting the Most Benefits from Latisse: Tips for Success

Think Routine
Try to incorporate Latisse into your nightly routine - for example, after you've washed your face and brushed your teeth
Keep it Handy
Store the Latisse bottle near your other skin care products or toothbrush, so you won't forget to apply it each night
Have Patience
Latisse (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution ) 0.03% takes time to work.  Only use it once a night, and don't overuse it.  Overuse can increase the chance of experiencing eye redness or itchiness.
Start Fresh
If your eye makeup remover leaves an oily residue on your eyelids, wipe off any excess oils with soap and water to ensure a clean surface before you apply Latisse.
Follow the Rules
Always use the sterile, disposable FDA-approved applicator provided  in the kit.  Don't try to apply Latisse with a cotton swab.  The Latisse applicator is specially designed to hold a drop and release a drop, as well as ensure the safety and maximize effectiveness.
Don't Play Catch Up
If you miss a dose one night, don't apply more just ot catch up.  Simply apply Latisse the next evening and stay on schedule.
Beware of Germs
Don't let the tip of the bottle or applicator contact your fingers or any other unintended surface, in order to avoid contamination.
Chart Your Progress
When you start using Latisse solution, mark your calendar and take pictures to chart your progress:  Week 0, week 4, 8, 12, and 16 to have your own photo gallery of before and after results.
Click here to learn more about Latisse and for a Latisse Prescription

Next - Latisse Eyelash Prescription Question and Answers



Request Rx?
How to Apply
Latisse: Q and  A
Latisse Rx
Latisse Refills


IMPORTANT WARNING:  Do not use Latisse solution if you are allergic to any of the ingredients

IMPORTANT WARNING:  Do not use Latisse solution if you are pregnant or nursing

IMPORTANT WARNING:  Do not use Latisse solution if you have a history of eye pressure problems, such as glaucoma, increased Intraoccular Pressure ...
Latisse solution is for topical use only and to be used just as you would use eyeliner on the upper eyelashes only.

Do NOT put solution in eye.  Do NOT apply to lower eyelid

Latisse use may cause darkening of the eyelid skin and although not reported may cause increased brown pigmentation of the iris of the eye.

Most common side effects of Latisse is itching sensation and /or eye redness

Medical Wellness Center