About Hair Loss
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How Does Hair Loss Occur?

Hair Loss - Capillus Low Lever Laser Cap
A reported 50% of men experience hair loss prior to age 50 and overall about 80% of men experience hair loss in their lifetime.. Female hair loss is a relatively less common, however still affects a staggering 20-30 million women in America alone. There are a number of different factors that are known to cause hair loss, including:
    • Heritability (genetics)
    • Thyroid imbalance
    • Excessive DHT production
    • Certain prescription medications
    • Stress and mental/emotional trauma (telogen effluvium)
    • Physical trauma (traction alopecia)

Hair Growth, Loss, and Treatment: 

To better understand the benefits of treating hair loss with low level laser therapy, it helps to first understand how hair grows:

The Structure of Hair
The strand of hair which is visible above the skin is called the hair shaft. The section of hair that lies under the skin is called the hair root. The hair root resides inside a hair follicle. Rapidly dividing cells project from a structure called the dermal papilla into the hair follicle and pack together to form the hair shaft.

The Growth Cycle of Hair
The hair growth cycle consists of 3 stages. Ninety percent of the hair on your scalp is either in the anagen or catagen phase at any one time. No more than ten percent is usually in the telogen phase at any given time.

Capillus treats the dysfunctional hair follicle - Hair growth Cycle
  1. Anagen Phase: The first of the three stages is the anagen phase. This is also called the growth stage.  In this stage of the hair cycle, the hair shaft is actively growing inside the follicle, with new rapidly dividing cells being supplied by the dermal papilla. This stage typically lasts between 2 and 8 years.
  2. Catagen Phase: The second of three stages of hair growth is called the catagen phase. This is also called the degradation phase and is a transitional phase where the hair follicle pulls away from the dermal papilla. Since the hair follicle is no longer being supplied with the new cells from the dermal papilla, the hair stops growing. This stage is brief, usually lasting about 2-4 weeks. 
  3. Telogen Phase: The last of the three stages is called the telogen phase. This is also known as the resting phase. During this stage, the hair follicle remains inactive and the hair shaft usually stays in place until the follicle cycles back to the anagen phase where the new hair shaft emerges and pushes out the old one. This lasts about 2-4 months. 

Follicle Health and Hair Growth:

    Hair follicles are the foundation on which healthy strands of hair are grown. It is the follicle that supplies the root of the hair with the oxygen, nutrients, and support needed to flourish during the anagen phase. The follicle also plays a vital role in supporting hair as it transitions through the catagen phase. During telogen phase, the hair follicle rests in preparation for new hair growth.

    Though much is still being discovered about the root causes of hair loss, research shows that many hair loss conditions are associated with certain conditions that impair hair follicle health and function. To illustrate, consider:

    1. Telogen effluvium (stress related hair loss) occurs after a stressful event causes enough trauma to shock the follicles into an inactive state. The hair loss condition receives its name from the telogen phase in which follicles become stuck. 
    2. Androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness) is correlated with high levels of DHT on the scalp. DHT is thought to penetrate the scalp and cause hair follicle miniaturization, a phenomenon in which follicles become smaller and eventually incapable of supporting a healthy hair growth cycle.

Recognizing Hair Loss Early: 

Hair loss physicians agree: Early diagnosis and treatment is the best way to restore areas of thinning or receding hair. When caught early, men and women have a strong chance of restoring their luscious locks.

Some hair loss is normal. It is normal to lose about 50-100 hairs each day as they enter the telogen phase described above. These hairs are typically found on hair brushes, in the shower, and on other personal care items.

Excessive hair loss is NOT normal. Losing more than 100 hairs each day is a sign of abnormal hair loss in both men and women. Excessive hair accumulation may occur around the shower/sink drain, on combs and brushes, on your pillows, on furniture, and in your sheets.

Treating Hair Loss with Capillus®:

No matter what the cause of hair loss, one thing remains certain: The best way to reverse the signs of thinning, shedding, and balding is to treat it early. Low level laser therapy devices are physician-recommended tools designed to help strengthen hair follicles and produce all-natural healthy hair from the inside, out. Capillus® treats the Dysfunctional hair follicles.
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What is Capillus®?
About Hair Loss
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Hair Loss Evaluation