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Welcome to Online Penlac Prescription for Nail Fungus Rx
Medical Wellness Center's Online Penlac Antifungal Nail Prescriptions offers the easiest, most convenient and discreet way to treat mild to moderate nail fungal infections.   Nail fungal infection is a common problem affecting over 30 million American.   Now, for the first time ever there is a FDA-approved SAFE topical antifungal treatment that needs to be applied only once a day.  Penlac is a clear, odorless lacquer that is easy to apply and quick drying and has NO systemic side effects like Lamisil pills or topical creams and lotions.  Lamisil can cause liver failure.  Why use Lamisil tablets when there is Penlac Nail Lacquer prescription.  Penlac is SAFE and EFFECTIVE.   Nail the infection from the outside in!

Cybermedicine allows you to frankly communicate your medical concerns regarding previously diagnosed conditions from the privacy and convenience of hour home or office.  No need to make an appointment, no more long waiting room waits ... If you are suffering from a fungal nail infection, you can pick up your Penlac nail lacquer at your local pharmacy of your choice and begin treatment.

  1. First read about Penlac to learn more about its indications and contraindications.
  2. If you do not have any of the contraindications, next read and  agree to the Waiver of Liability.
  3. Next, accurately and truthfully complete and submit a medical consultation questionnaire
  4. Your medical consultation will be reviewed by one of our Physicians and if approved you will receive a written prescription for Penlac Nail Lacquer  plus 6 refills which you can fill at any pharmacy of your choice. NO prescription purchase required.  Choose a pharmacy that accepts your medical insurance!  If you desire EXPRESS service your prescription will be called into a pharmacy of your choice within 24 hours. We  prescribe Penlac nail lacquer only for the treatment of mild to moderate fungal infections of the nail in immunocompetent  patients without lunula involvement (the white half moon area at the top of the nail). The consultation fee is only $49.95 if approved plus S & H processing fee, if not approved for Penlac there is NO charge.
Your medical consultation will be reviewed by one of our Physicians and if approved  you can have your prescription called into a  pharmacy of your choice or you can receive your prescription by mail.  We DO NOT require you to purchase the medication - you choose the pharmacy!  This consultation is RISK-FREE, if the physician determines Penlac  is not appropriate for you, then there is no charge.
For an Online Dr. Consultation for a Penlac Prescription

Nail fungal infections are very common  and although anyone can become infected, onychomycosis (fungal nail infections) are most common between the ages of 40-65.  Those whose nails are exposed to moisture are at a greater risk and some have an inherited tendency to have nail fungal problems.  Nail fungus is most commonly seen on the toenails of men and the fingernails of women. 

If your nails are chipped, hardened, discolored  and abnormally thick sometimes with slight swelling on the skin surrounding the nail, or you have a nail that appears separated from the nail bed, Penlac Nail Lacquer may be appropriate for you. If left untreated the condition can progress and other infections may also occur resulting in pain, disfigurement and disability.

Normal nail - Penlac not neededNormal  Healthy Nail 

Mild nail fungus infection - Penlac nail lacquer antifungal treatment candidateMild nail fungus infection: 1 or 2 nails involved and less than half the nail shows discoloration

Penalac antifungal treatment recommended for moderate fungus infection of nailsModerate nail fungus infection:  Can involve several nails, more than half of each nail may be thickened and discolored.  The nails can be misshaped and can start to split

Severe fungal infection - not a candidate for Penlac presription treatmentSevere fungal nail infection - not a candidate for Penlac prescription treatmentSevere nail fungus infection: Many nails are affected and are brittle, discolored, misshaped, thickened and may start to lift from the nail bed.  There is often pain and difficulty using ones fingers or walking.  The fungus affects the entire nail including the lunula (the white moon portion at the top part of the nail) with erosion.  Penlac is NOT effective and not prescribed for severe nail infections! You must seek alternative treatment from you own physician or podiatrist.
  1. If your nail condition has never been diagnosed by a doctor as nail fungus infection (onychomycosis).
  2. If you have severe nail fungus infection affecting the entire nail including the lunula (the white moon part) with erosion, pictured above, Penlac is NOT recommended.
  3. Penlac is NOT appropriate for you if you are HIV-positive, are an organ transplant recipient, have diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, have a long term illness that affects your immune system, compromised immune system, on cancer chemotherapy, taking antiseizure medication, taking steroids or using steroid inhalers on a regular basis
  4. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding - contact your doctor immediately.  You are NOT eligible for an online consultation!
The initial consultation fee for the physician evaluation is only $49.95 if you are approved for treatment, otherwise it's free.  Medical Wellness Center's Online Penlac  Prescription Consultation makes it easy for you to safely and effectively treat nail fungus  infections due to Dermatophytes ( a type of fungus that grows on skin, hair and nails) from the convenience and privacy of your PC without time-consuming and costly doctor visits. If you have any health concerns in any way, you should contact your own physician for further advice.

to learn more about PENLAC & for Penlac Consultation



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Medical Wellness Center