Welcome to Periostat online prescription for periodontal gum disease
Medical Wellness Center's Online Periostat Prescriptions offers an easy and convenient way to treat adult periodontal disease which is not improving or progressing despite regular visits to you dentist for routine cleaning and scaling and root planing (SRP).  You can safely and effectively add Periostat to your treatment regimen for professionally diagnosed periodontitis gum disease from the convenience and privacy of your PC without time-consuming and costly doctor visits. If you have any health concerns in any way, you should contact your own physician for further advice.

Adult periodontal disease is the most common cause of adult tooth loss affecting over 50 million people in the United States - 33% of Americans over the age of 30 suffer from periodontitis.    In it's earliest stages, periodontal disease begins as an inflammation of the gums known as gingivitis.   If left untreated gum disease progresses to periodontitis,  the most serious form of periodontal gum disease which is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. Although periodontal disease is initiated by bacterial infection, the ultimate destruction and tooth loss is due to the body's own response  of overproduction of tissue-destroying collagenase enzymes.

PERIOSTAT is indicated in those diagnosed with mild -to-moderate or severe periodontitis who are not responding to conventional professional dental cleaning and scaling/root planing procedures. Periostat is not indicated for those with early periodontal disease known as gingivitis, a reversible inflammation of the gums.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of gums and the earliest stages of periodontal disease.  Daily a clear sticky film called plaque made up of bacteria builds up on the surface of the teeth.  Plaque is easily removed by brushing & flossing.  If plaque is allowed to build up it comes in contact with the gum tissue and the gums become red and inflamed and may bleed when you brush your teeth.  Gingivitis is reversible through professional cleaning by your dental professional and daily dental hygiene.  If left untreated it can progress to periodontitis and tooth loss.
early periodontitis  - Periostat prescriptionnIf the plaque is not removed, it hardens into deposits called tartar which cannot be removed by just brushing and flossing but needs  to be mechanically removed by your dental profession in a procedure called scaling and root planing during routine dental cleanings.   These hard tartar deposits and their associated bacteria cause a severe inflammation and the body responds trying to fight the infection by produced tissue-destroying enzymes, collagenases. These enzymes made by your own body end up attacking your body's own tissue destroying gums, ligaments and bones that support your teeth and eventually result in tooth loss.
Periostat prescription:  periodontitis moderateIf left untreated periodontitis progresses due to the chronic, long-term nature of the bacterial infection and the tissue-destroying enzyme body response.  These enzymes start to eat at the ligaments and bones that support the teeth.  First, a small "pocket" forms between the tooth and the gums where food can lodge and bacteria live and this process progresses down the tooth surface which results in the pockets getting deeper and deeper.  Your dentist using a probe and with X-rays  determines how deep the tooth pockets are and how advanced the disease is.
Periostat prescription:  severe periodontitisIf left untreated, periodontal disease progresses to the point  where bone loss is so severe that the tooth becomes loose and eventually lost.  However, even  severe periodontitis can respond to aggressive treatment: combination of professional dental cleaning with scaling and root planing (SRP) which mechanically removes bacteria combined with PERIOSTAT which inhibits the your body's response of producing tissue-destroying enzymes that ultimately results in tissue destruction and tooth loss.  Periostat plus professional dental cleanings & SRP is more effective in treating and halting the progression of periodontitis than just cleanings alone.
Periostat prescription - periodontitis gum diseaseUntil the approval of PERIOSTAT, the first-line therapy for periodontitis has primarily been scaling and root planing (SRP), a mechanical intervention by a dental professional that physically removes bacteria and deposits from the surface of the tooth sometimes supplemented by antimicrobial drugs.  This approach does not affect the host response production of tissue-destroying enzymes that leads to the destruction of the periodontal support structures.  Now for the first time there is an FDA-approved safe way to treat the body's own host response overproduction of enzymes.  Periostat compliments SRP by reducing the activity of these tissue-destroying enzymes.  Clinical studies have shown that Periostat in combination with SRP is more effective in treating adult periodontitis that SRP alone.  Therefore the treatment of periodontitis involves a two-pronged approach:    reducing bacteria around the teeth by routine dental cleanings (SRP), and  reducing the activity of the tissue-destroying enzymes released in the gum tissue with Periostat. 

If you have been diagnosed as suffering from periodontal disease despite regular visits to your dental professional, you can add Periostat to your regular routine dental hygiene

  1. First read about Periostat to learn more about its indications and contraindications.
  2. If you do not have any of the contraindications, next read and  agree to the Waiver of Liability.
  3. Next, accurately and truthfully complete and submit a medical consultation questionnaire
  4. Your medical consultation will be reviewed by one of our Physicians and if approved you will receive a prescription for Periostat with 6 additional refills for  treatment which you can fill at any pharmacy of your choice. NO prescription purchase required.  Choose a pharmacy that accepts your medical insurance!  If you desire EXPRESS service your prescription will be called into a pharmacy of your choice within 24 hours. The consultation fee is only $49.95 if approved plus S & H processing fee, if not approved for Periostat there is NO charge.
Your medical consultation will be reviewed by one of our Physicians and if approved  you can have your prescription called into a  pharmacy of your choice or you can receive your prescription by mail.  We DO NOT require you to purchase the medication - you choose the pharmacy!  This consultation is RISK-FREE. The initial consultation fee for the physician evaluation is only $49.95 if you are approved for treatment, if not approved there is NO charge. 

Click Here: For an Online Dr. Consultation for a Periostat Prescription

  1. Prevent the disease from getting started by brushing and flossing twice daily to prevent plaque formation and buildup.
  2. Visit your dental professional regularly, at least every 6 months, for professional cleanings.
  3. If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease follow your dentist's instructions, daily hygiene, and regular visits. 
  4. If your periodontal disease is not responding to professional dental cleanings and daily hygiene alone, you may qualify to add Periostat to your daily regimen.  Periostat has been shown to help treat and stop the progression of periodontal disease.
  5. Periostat is to be used following scaling and root planing done during routine professional dental cleanings to improve the effectiveness of this standard procedure.
  6. Periostat is taken for a period of up to 9 consecutive months and improvement should start to be noticed by the third month.
  7. In order for Periostat to be effective, one must continue with good oral and dental hygiene: regular flossing and brushing of teeth to remove bacteria and any plaque buildup and routine dental visits for professional cleaning.
  8. Periostat does NOT take the place of good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist.
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Medical Wellness Center