About Allergies
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Medical Wellness Center's Online Claritin Prescriptions offers an easy and convenient way to treat your symptoms of seasonal or year-round allergies.  If you have been diagnosed with allergies and suffer from allergy symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, CLARINEX may be for you. If you have any health concerns in any way or if after using Clarinex  for several days without experiencing significant improvement, you should contact your own physician for further advice.

Cybermedicine allows you to frankly communicate your medical concerns regarding previously diagnosed conditions from the privacy and convenience of your home or office.  No need to make an appointment, no more long waiting room waits... If you are suffering from allergy symptoms, you can pick up your Clarinex prescription at your local pharmacy of your choice and begin experiencing relief immediately!

What is an Allergy?
An allergy is your body's immune response to a stimulus known as an allergen, which is ordinarily harmless to most people.   When an allergen enters the body, the immune system begins to manufacturer antibody to fight it off.  Most people can breath in pollen, dust, mold, and animal dander with no problems.  But for those 50 million people who are allergic to these ordinary everyday things, the body's immune system overreacts and sets off a complicated  immune system chain reaction in  your body. 

How do you develop an Allergy?
The first time you breathe in pollen or an allergen, it makes its way to your nose and sets off your immune system.  Your immune system decides that this substance is dangerous and makes a small amount of antibody to fight it off.  The next time you are exposed and every time after, your body remembers the allergen and manufactures lots of antibody to fight it off.  These antibodies stimulate Mast Cells in the mucous membranes of your nose, eyes, throat and lungs to release Histamine. Histamine encourages your tissues to secrete fluids which become irritated resulting in swelling, itching and inflammation resulting the in the allergic symptoms of feeling congested, sneezing and a runny, itchy nose and red, watery eyes.  In addition to runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, and itchy, watery red eyes, you may also develop asthma and skin reactions such as eczema.  With each subsequent exposure to the allergen, allergic reactions can become increasingly severe.

Why do some people develop allergies?
Researchers are unsure why some people develop allergies while others do not.  Over 22,000,000 suffer from allergies at some times during their life.  There is evidence that a genetic component may be a contributing factor.  If one of your parents suffer from allergies, you have a 25% chance of developing them, if both parents suffer, than you have 75% - 80% chance of developing allergies.

Nearly 1-in-every-5  Americans suffering from allergies. For some symptoms come and go with the pollination seasons of certain trees, grasses or weeds.  Although the time of the year that each plant pollinates remains relatively constant, the onset of a particular pollen season is largely influenced by geographic location  and environmental factors such as sun, rain and wind can also affect the amount of pollen in the air and total pollen production.  But for many allergy sufferers symptoms are often caused by more than one substance and may be a mixture of both seasonal pollen allergens and indoor allergens.

Seasonal Allergies: If your allergy symptoms are worse in some seasons than others, this means you probably are allergic to pollen.  Depending on where you live, your symptoms are probably worse in early spring to late summer.  This form of allergies is often referred to as hay fever, although it has nothing to do with hay or fever.

Year-Round Perennial Allergies: If your allergy symptoms do not change very much with seasons and are present year round, you are probably allergic to other allergens such as animal dander, dust mites, feathers or mold as well as pollen.

Common Allergens:

  1. Pollens (the male fertilizing agent of plants):  The 3 sources of pollen are trees (cause 10% of allergies),  grasses ( causes 30%)  and ragweed (causes 60% of allergies).
  2. Molds
  3. Animal Dander
  4. Dust Mites

Definitions of Allergy-related Terms:

Allergy: A sensitivity to an otherwise harmless substance

Allergic Rhinitis:  Literally "allergic rhinitis" means "inflammation of the nose," and is what we commonly refer to as a stuffy, runny nose associated with allergies.

Seasonal Allergies: Allergy symptoms that are related to the release of pollen from trees, grasses and ragweed.

Perennial Allergies: Allergy symptoms that occur year round.  These allergens are most often occur indoors such as dust mites, mold spores, pet dander and cockroaches.

Eczema:  Dry, itchy, non contagIous skin rash frequently caused by allergies

Hay Fever:  An allergic condition characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract.  Accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and itching of the eyes, nose and throat. Hay Fever is actually "seasonal allergic rhinitis," which is the allergy symptoms people suffer from due to exposure to pollens from trees, grasses and ragweed.  It has nothing to do with Hay or Fever.

Histamine:  A body substance released by mast cells and basophils during allergic reactions that precipitates allergic symptoms.

Immune System:  The body's defense system, composed of specialized cells, organs, and body fluids.  It has the ability to locate, neutralize, metabolize, and eliminate unwanted or foreign substances.

Inhalant Allergens:  Any airborne substance small enough to be inhaled into the lungs such as pollen, dust, mold and animal danders.

Mast Cells:  Cells which contain packets of chemicals such as histamines

Mucous Membranes:  Moist tissues forming the lining of body cavities that have an external opening, such as the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts.

Patch/Scratch Tests:  A form of skin testing in which suspected allergens are applied to the skin, covered, and observed for several days to see if a reaction occurs.  This is performed by medical practitioners.

Pollen:  The tiny spores of flowering plants.  Airborne pollen is a major allergen responsible for hay fever.

Postnasal drip:  The leakage of nasal fluids and mucus down into the back of the throat.

Sensitivity:  An adaptive state in which a person develops a group of adverse symptoms to the environment, 
either internal or external.

Urticaria: Hives or welts that could be caused by allergies

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About Allergies
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 Medical Wellness Center